
Cluster Munition Remnants

Anti-Personnel Mines

  • Article 5 deadline

    31 December 2024

  • Performance


Performance Criterion Score
Understanding of anti-personnel mine contamination (20% of overall score) 5
National ownership and programme management (10% of overall score) 7
Gender (10% of overall score) 4
Information management and reporting (10% of overall score) 7
Planning and tasking (10% of overall score) 7
Land release system (20% of overall score) 5
Land release outputs and Article 5 compliance (20% of overall score) 6
Performance score 5.7

Key Developments

In 2022, Serbia cleared two of the three remaining known mined areas, although no mines were discovered during clearance and only four items of unexploded ordnance (UXO) were found and destroyed. The Serbian Mine Action Centre (SMAC) has still to survey the previously unrecorded mine contamination discovered in October 2019 and August 2021 following forest fires, but planned to commence non-technical survey (NTS) in 2023 to determine the amount of remaining mined area. Serbia intends to submit a new extension request by the end of March 2024, which will include a detailed work plan for fulfilment of its obligations under Article 5 of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC).

Recommendations for Action

  • Serbia should consider using its armed forces for mine clearance or inviting demining non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to help meet its treaty obligations by fulfilling its Article 5 obligations as soon as possible.
  • Serbia should conduct as a matter of priority the planned survey of the suspected contamination identified in October 2019 and August 2021 in order to determine the size of the mined area and plan for its release.
  • SMAC should conduct NTS and technical survey (TS), rather than full clearance, in instances where survey represents the most efficient means to release part or all of mined areas.
  • SMAC should seek to develop national mine action standards (NMAS) as soon as a new mine action decree is adopted.

Download the full "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Serbia

Click here to download the "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Serbia.