Key Developments
In 2022, the Vietnam National Mine Action Centre (VNMAC) continued its efforts to strengthen coordination of humanitarian mine action in Vietnam. All data sets have now been standardised and combined into one consolidated Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) database. In another positive development, in April 2022, the Mine Action Working Group (MAWG) established sub-task forces focused on capacity development, gender, and the environment, among others. VNMAC’s main focus remains on survey and clearance of explosive ordnance contamination (mainly explosive remnants of war, ERW), and not on releasing mined areas, which are prevalent along Vietnam’s borders.
Recommendations for Action
- Vietnam should accede to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) as a matter of priority.
- Vietnam should clear anti-personnel (AP) mines in areas under its jurisdiction or control as soon as possible, consonant with its obligations under international human rights law.
- Vietnam should publish a detailed assessment of remaining mined areas.
- The revision of National Mine Action Standards (TCVNs), in line with International Mine Action Standards (IMAS), should be completed as soon as possible and should address action to tackle AP mine contamination, as distinct from battle area clearance (BAC).
- Items of explosive ordnance discovered and destroyed, should be clearly and accurately recorded, including distinguishing AP mines from anti-vehicle (AV) mines.
Download the full "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Vietnam
Click here to download the "Clearing the Mines 2023" report for Vietnam.