Ukraine is contaminated with anti-personnel mines and cluster munition remnants.
Key Developments
Extensive use of cluster munitions by Russian forces continued in 2023 along with widespread use by Ukraine, with the United States (US) announcing a fourth transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine in March 2023. Limited clearance of cluster munition remnants (CMR) was reported for 2023, although capacity continued to expand, with more than 40 national and international mine action operators accredited as at July 2024. Three international demining NGOs were accredited during 2023 with at least one more seeking accreditation at the time of writing, some of whom would conduct CMR clearance. Ukraine has stated its intention to survey all accessible areas for contamination by the end of 2026; it was uncertain if CMR would be disaggregated from other explosive ordnance.
Recommendations for Action
- Ukraine should immediately halt all use of cluster munitions and accede to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) as a matter of priority.
- Ukraine should ensure that survey, clearance, and contamination data disaggregate CMR from other explosive remnants of war (ERW) and mines.
- Ukraine should facilitate and expedite its processes for permission to operators to use explosives in clearance and destruction operations as well as subsequent accreditation to conduct explosive ordnance disposal (EOD).
Download the full 2024 report for Ukraine
Click here to download the full "Clearing Cluster Munition Remnants 2024" report for Ukraine.